For decors in different colours than those represented in the catalogue as well as for tailor-made decors, new prize calculation is necessary. In case of door leaf positioning of logos and symbols it can be the client to provide the following support:
FILE CREATED ON PC (logos, symbols, images, etc.) in vectorial format created with programmes like Illustrator or Freehand. Send file via: e-mail or CD-ROM.
DIAPOSITIVES with image format 36 mm or better 6 x 6, transferred to PC through scanner (professional scanner). Send file with CD-ROM. Resolution ≥ 150 dpi, ≥ 200 MB of memory (TIF format).
IMAGE of a picture taken with an analogue camera (reflex), printed on DIN A4 and transferred to PC through scanner.
Send file with: CD-ROM. Resolution ≥ 150 dpi, ≥ 200 MB of memory (TIF format).